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WeatherXM Network Association Financials

Wallets and Contracts controlled by the association

This section describes the allocation of the WeatherXM Network Association funds.

Station Rewards

55M tokens are allocated for station rewards, with a daily unlock schedule.

See Station Rewards for details.

The amount of total undistributed token rewards is the sum of WXM balances of two addresses:

The initial balance of the Station Rewards Wallet was 55,000,000 $WXM (daily rewards and beta rewards) and given the fixed rate of rewards, it holds enough tokens to reward stations until 2034. Because data license auctions are in WXM the association receives WXM tokens back from the market and stores/locks them in order to provide rewards for the future beyond 2034.

Treasury Wallets

Operational ETH0x35fe44D65b328245B1877F030eAc812B1F91d09aLiquid
Operational ARB0x110008A4817bCa2072fc9CeA277c9C73802939C2Liquid
Market Bootsrap ETH/ARB0xE4b785D9A620aB5A2f7a4e6618f8b3b150797260Liquid
Treasury ETH/ARB0xe09471Ab9b3f8c45D7EBAdA73eC51F22776AFca3Vested
Business Boost0xb99401dBBc3576738b6Cd28F62aC35e4cA2Bd03dLiquid