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Hardware manufacturers and hardware diversity

Our vision is an open Network where stations from mutiple manufatcturers participate.


To ensure Network-wide device and data quality, all devices (weather stations) that participate in the WeatherXM Network must be approved by the Association.

In this direction, the Association:

  • will publish the required station specifications and,
  • will establish an approval process for hardware manufacturers.

Onboarding fees

Manufacturers must pay an onboarding fee of $100 to the Association for every station (device) manufatctured.

The Association makes periodic announcements about the fees collected on our blog:

Pre-association weather stations

As of the end of 2023, there were 7,795 weather stations participating in the WeatherXM Network. These devices were designed and manufactured by WeatherXM AG and partner company EXM PC, before the Association was formed, and have been granted approval by default.