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WeatherXM Station Manufacturers

Join Us!

If you are interested to manufacture WeatherXM-compatible stations, check the latest specs and contact us at [email protected].

A great opportunity

Long-term: 1,000,000 weather stations

Our long-term vision is to cover every corner of the world with weather stations. One million stations is a huge number, but DePIN projects are unlike what you may be used to. Helium has onboarded one million hotspots. We can do it too.

Short-term: 50,000 weather stations

Our plan is to deploy 50,000 weather stations by the end of 2025. We have already deployed, or are in the process of deploying, 10,000 stations, and one of the biggest limitations is our ability to build and ship stations with a higher rate. Check out the map!

A station for every need

Our current product line is limited to entry-level, consumer-grade stations. We have managed to offer stations that provide great value for money at the specific price range, but we have clients who need industrial-grade stations with higher specs and more capabilities.

New markets

We collaborated with companies in the space and crypto-exchanges, to create an innovative charity investment program targeted at deploying weather sations in underserved areas.

In 2024, our partners secured funds to deploy 2,200 WeatherXM stations in the Global South, in countries that have had very few weather stations, historically. These deployments are in process, and we are planning an even larger program for 2025.

The founding team is on your side

We had to build our stations in order to prove that they can be built, and in order to kickstart the project. And we will continue to do so as long as it takes.

But we are not hardware manufacturers. If you can do it better, faster, cheaper, we are on your side, and we will be there to help you.

List of current manufacturers

2024 WeatherXM Network Association